Webquest 2.
1. Fill in the definition here. The total ____amount____ of ____greenhouses ____ gases ____produced____ to directly and indirectly ____support____ human activities, usually expressed in equivalent ____tons____ of _____carbon dioxide____ (CO2). 2. Provide some examples: Amount of CO2 emitted by burning one liter of gasoline: ___2.3 kg. Driving a car for 6 km: __7.3 litres petrol per 100 km or 39 mpg. Creating 5 plastic bags: ___1 kg og CO2 Producing a cheeseburger: ___ 3.1 kg of CO2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< P lants and animals can adapt to climate change, right?. 4. When was the last time the Earth warmed up so fast? __53 million year. 5. What is...